Monday 25 June 2012

Making Playdough

 We decided to make some playdough last Thursday because we wanted to make some funny people with our new playdough toys.

We all helped to make it, but Ally had to pour and mix while the hot water was in the bowl.  We talked about how to be safe when we are around hot water.

Here are our funny characters that we made.
We need to give them a name!
 Can you think of one?



  1. Hi Room 3 at Westmere School. Looks like you had a great time making play dough with Ally! What did you make with it?
    I am a teacher at a school in Hamilton where Ally used to be a teacher too. We miss her but it looks like you are looking after her well.
    Ms Nagels, Hamilton East School

  2. Hi Ms Nagels,
    We made funny characters with lots of eyes and boots on their backs. How many people have you got in your class? Do they like playdough too?
    From Room 3, Westmere School.
